Adult Protection

The Policy of Unlimited Care Limited prohibits any action or behaviour of one person or group, which causes distress to another person, or group as a result of physical threat, assault, verbal abuse or threats.

All Staff will receive a print out of “No Secrets” supplied by the Department of Health.

Abuse is violation of an individual’s Human and Civil Rights by another person or persons. Set out below are areas of practice, which impact on the effectiveness in protecting vulnerable adults from abuse. Our HR Policy are to ensure such;
  1. Rigorous recruitment
  2. Induction and training
  3. Supervision
  4. Record keeping
  5. Staff Development programmes
  6. Work place counselling schemes
  7. Whistle Blowing
  8. Accountability and systems of delegation
  9. Disciplinary Action
  10. Grievance
  11. Complaints
  12. Advocacy
  13. Confidentiality
  14. Information Sharing
  15. Health and Safety

Complaint Procedures

Where Residents have a complaint or grievance about a member of Staff, Residents or any other matters, the complaint will be dealt with in a manner suitable to its severity. Should it be an Informal complaint, then an informal approach will be made by discussing (through the Manager) the matter with relevant individuals.

Where the Informal complaint lacks satisfactory outcome, then it will automatically escalate to a Formal Complaint. Should the complaint prove to be of a severe nature, then it will be dealt with as a Formal Compliant in its first instance.

  1. The Complaint will be made in writing and addressed to the Registered manager or in the absence of the registered manager, it will be addressed to Mrs Francesca Windsor.
  2. A written acknowledgment will be issued within 48 Hours.
  3. The Manager will initiate an investigation accompanied with one of Staff Members (unconnected to the complaint).
  4. During the course of investigation, the effected parties will be encouraged to be accompanied by third party.
  5. Every effort will be made to complete the investigation within no more than 28 days.
  6. Upon completion of the investigation, a report will be prepared, detailing the outcome of the investigation.
  7. The Manager will decide as to whether any action (Disciplinary or otherwise) needs to be taken.
  8. The report together with the Decision will be sent to all relevant parties.
  9. All parties concerned will be contacted within 48 hours of the (potential) receipts of the Report to discuss their either agreement or concern over the Report, Decision and Actions to be taken. This may also include Amendment/ Implementation/ Improvement of the current Policies.
  10. The Manager will monitor the situation and where necessary will report the progress to the parties concerned.
  11. Where a satisfactory outcome has not been achieved, the report and all relevant documentations will be forwarded to CSCI (Commission for Social Care Inspection) or an Advocate will be appointed to help resolve the situation.

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